Let's Save The Animals and Mother Nature


     The cat family includes big cats, such as lions and tigers, small wild cats, and domestic, or pet cats. all cats are meat-eating mammlas and clever hunters, with powerful bodies and sharp claws. they are very good climbers and often live in forests. Cats can be found  in most parts of the world, but some kinds are rare because they have been haunted for their fur, or their habitats have been destroyed.

    New born cats cannot see or hear for several days. Their mother protects them, feeds them, and keeps them clean until they can mangae alone.

    Cats have a good sense of smell and sight, and very sharp hearing. They large ears pick some sounds easily, and each ear can move separately, to catch every little noise. A cat uses its long whiskers to feels its way around.

Cat sounds

One of the differences between and small cats is that they have slightly different throats that make different sounds. Most big cats can roar but cannot purr, while small cats can purr but cannot roar.


>Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. A male tiger can be nearly 40 times heavier and four times taller than a domestic cat.

>A cheetah can run up to 70 miles an hour over short distances. It is the fastest land animal in the world.

>Cats are not able to taste sweet things.

Tiger and baby tiger
